
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blue Abyss check up dive report

Hi guys
we recently did some dives at the famous Blue Abyss in Pet Cemetery, Sac Actun System.
Here is a short report on the profile we followed
Reach the Blue Abyss 32%, 40 minutes swimming following the X line, 3 jumps involved.
Blue Abyss deco set up: 02 alu40 clipped on the line at 20 ft, travel with alu 80 with Nitrox 50%, not a good idea to clip them on the line because at 70 ft, they could break the line.
Bottom mix on a double 80, Trimix 18/45
Planned time at 200 ft. max 15 minutes (for a maximum of 30 minutes deco, plus deep stop)
Actual time at depth 8 minutes, 3 minutes descent from 20 ft to 200 ft.
Ascent profile: 200ft. to 150 ft. 2 minutes
75% deep stop at 150, then every 10 ft until we reached the 50% deep stop and then the first gas switch at 70 ft. with Nitrox 50% to open the 02 window
Break on back gas before the second gas switch on 02
Second gas switch at 20 ft. with 02
Deco total 16 minutes, 8 minutes with Nitrox 50% in the first part of deco divided by the number of stop every 10 ft. trying to shape it as S- curve, 8 minutes with 02, all at 20ft.
Going back we had left Nitrox 50% so that is the gas we used on our way out, average depth 30 ft.
We used UTD Ratio Deco 1:2
Total run time of the dive 2 hour 45 minutes
We came out clean as a whistle, in fact Ela , 3 hours after the dive, went for a kick boxing 2 hour session no problem.
Love Ratio deco profile, love to not be tired after the dive and love the fact that I could do exercise and continue my normal life even after a deep dive.
Have fun and safe dives!!!

Ela Bertoni & Adam Korytko

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