
Monday, April 26, 2010


Last week Cave Heaven went to Pez Maya, inside the marine reserve of Sian Kaan to give the monthly speech about the Cenotes to the volounteers that are based there and are studying Reef conservation with GVI .

Adam was in charge of the talk and Ela was taking pictures and trying to help Adam on replying the volunteer questions.

The talk started with an introduction about us, who we are and what are our goals and projects here in the Riviera Maya, follow by a little introduction of how the Cenotes are formed, Mayan beliefs, a bit of local archeological interest surrounding the caves .
After that we focused on how we can make cave diving safe and what we can do to preserve this beauty as divers and as individuals.
The volunteers were very interested on the exploration part so we focused a bit on that , explaining our exploration projects, the aim of exploration and not least the experience and equipment needed for a safe cave exploration.
We showed them some of our pictures in the cave and outside, and we also talked about how they could enjoy a Cenotes swim , dive or cave diving training in the Riviera Maya.

We have been doing these talks for about one year and the GVI volunteers in Sian Kaan and Mahahual have always been very enthusiastic and ready to learn more of the local Cenotes, they always been very welcoming to us, that is why we really appreciate going there and doing these presentations.

We also think that we help a little by explaining to people the beauty but also the importance for us as cave divers and as locals to be respectful and try to preserve caves as much as possible.

Cave diver training definitely focuses on techniques for the safety of the diver but also the conservation of the caves, we believe that offering high quality training will help the community to conserve this environment.

Thanks to GVI for their conservation efforts in the area, special thanks to Daniel Ponce Taylor, GVI regional director who always supported our approach.

Emanuela Bertoni & Adam Korytko

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